So, I was watching the Morning Musume DVD Magazine Vol. 36 and it turned out be an TakaGaki Evening for me! <3
First of; They're playing a game - or rather; they're doing a Quiz! A Quiz about the Kyuukies. Which older Generation member will win!? A Gokkie or a Rokkie? With Mitsui Aika as the host!
Risa LEGS!
Totally relevant to my interests |
Well, it begins and we're seeing a studio. And ... Risa LEGS! :')
Like I said earlier; Gokkie's and Rokkie's are trying to answer the questions about the Kyuukie's! The whole 10 points line were gone to Reina and Sayumi ...
that's why Risa was totally happy that she's knowing a answer for a 20 point question!
Risa: "GETS!" |
Uhm no, sorry, Risa! Wait 'till you've answered the question! It's nice that you can push the button but answer first before you're going all crazy of happiness!
Risa: "GETS!" |
Good, Girl! 20 points going to Risa!
Oh, they're also talking about the things the Kyuukie's asked. And then it happened;
Nice fake laugh, Reina ;) |
Do you know what's totally annoying!?
Quiz Kyuukie de Pon!
Why the hell are they saying that ALL THE TIME!?
Well, but Ai-chan was cute doing it too!
Ai-chan "Quiz Kyuukie de Pon!" *thinks* "plus a Gokkie!" |
One of the best thing happen were when Reina was explaining one of her false answer and TakaGaki both had the "disgusting" face on until the next chance to answer aswell ...
Oh, the Kyuukie's getting to show their things who they're good in. And all the members are still interested in it because Fuku-chan is drawing a member:
Reina Drawing! Cute~ |
Risa's too in the best mood because she's getting a lot of points, like here;
Risa: "I knew I'm the BEST! :P" |
And here;
Risa: "GETS!" |
The lack of this DVD Magazine until now? TakaGaki Love!
Risa: "Have you heard that? Nichiyobi wants more TakaGaki Love! Should we grant her her wish!?" |
Seems that they're not in lovey-dovey mood! Ai-chan also didn't even want to talk with her waifu! She didn't even take care of her when she's coughing!
Risa: *cough* *cough* |
I'm a bit anxious! Risa will get mad ...
Risa: "It's getting boring! I want to go home ... NOW!" |
Ai-chan is really more interested in the Kyuukie's questions than in Risa's mood change!
Risa: "Do you really find the Kyuukie's cuter and more interesting than me? You know, Ai-chan, I'm getting really pissed!" |
Risa: "And Eripon ... HANDS OFF! AI-CHAN'S MY GIRL!" |
Ai-chan's not talking to her, the questions getting boring every time and the motto is annoying! So Risa must check how long it should take to answer the rest of the questions ...
Risa: "Still four questions to go! Seems I'll be dying here!" |
But finally! Ai-chan get noticing that Risa isn't in a good mood anymore, but it's too late! Risa's already really pissed!
Risa: "I'm bored and you didn't notice that at all! And furthermore; You seemed too much interested in the Kyuukie's! Am I'm not enough for you!?" |
Risa: "How do you'll make up for this, huh!?" |
Ai-chan: "Just wait 'till tonight! I guarantee you that I'll make you happy!" |
Risa *smirk* "I can't wait!" *pervy mode on* |
Risa: "Huh!? I've won? Wow, I'm so lucky today~" |
For the one who has won the quiz, the Kyuukie's had a gift for! All of the Kyuukie's want to make their future Leader happy!
Risa: "Ai-chan, look, I've won! I'm happy~ Today's the best way of my life! I always wanted to win a game and get love from my waifu after it!" |
Ai-chan: "Forget it! No Love for you today! |
Man, Ai-chan can get really mean when she loses her game!
Ai-chan: *ignoring Risa's stare*
Risa: *cheking her waifu up* "I'm sorry! The next time I'll let you win! Please~ You can't mean that for real! Don't be that mean to me!"
Aika: "Well, it's your fault! You know that she hates to loose!"
Reina: "Seems that they're figting again ..."
Sayumi: "Well, Ai-chan can't hold it! Tonight she'll anyway going for Risa!"
Kyuukie's: *just pretend to not hearing anything* |
Unfortunetely I don't know if Risa was lucky enough to get a little love from her beloved one, but I'm sure they're now all lovey-dovey again! :)
Now, at least, I've a few presents for myself which are totally relevant to my interests! Risa LEGS! =P