A post about LIFE again!?
Yeah, of course!
The last time I wrote about this J-Dorama was when I just has watched the first Episode lol
Well, now I'm at Episode 8 and I want to say something about the Characters~
Shiiba Ayumu |
This girl is great! At first I wasn't sure if I should like her or not (because of her apperance) but after seconds I felt in love with her! It's great to see how she's growing in every episode! Also I like her family, even if I could strangle her mom in the beginning lol
Anzai Manami |
You know, every story needs a antagonist, especially in these kind of thing, and she's perfect for it! She looks so cute and innocent but she's a devil inside! Man, she's really pretty, huh? She's totally overcome with hate for the ones who're not doing what she wants. At first I wasn't sure if she's really THAT mean because she treated Ayumu really nicely, even if she just wanted a new puppy for herself - I mean, her friends aren't that precious to her - but in every episode she got more dangerous! But ... I still like her somehow ^^;
Hatori Miki |
I love her since the first time she appeared in the series! When I saw her how she was sitting above the wall I directly felt in love with her lol She has such a strong character, and she's really pretty too! She's the perfect girl/woman for a girl/woman lol Like a female knight in shining armour x) Pssh, I'm totally for the Ayumu&Miki couple! <3
Sako Katsumi |
I hate him! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! Argh, every time when I see him I want to strangle him ... or I've the urge to vomit! <.< He's an antagonist too, but he totally sucks! I so hated the story around him and Ayumu and I was really glad when all the things got over the story! Strangely I like his story with the Sensei, but I think just because I want to see her in pain (I like her though) xD
Sonoda Yuuki |
Such an annoying guy! I mean, he's really kind and so on, but his story wasn't interesting enough for me. I really, really, really don't hate him, okay!? It's just that I can't customize with him!
Hirose Nodoka |
She's awesome, huh!? I don't know but I think she's a character I can mostly identify with. I liked her at first sight, then I felt sorry for her ... A few times I hated her, but she early learned the truth ... Just sad that it seems that she'll going into the wrong direction :-/ Episode 8 was such a shock for me! I mean, I knew it because of the Preview at the end from Episode 7, but to see it "in real" was just ... Argh! I can't believe it! That's so sad! I hope she'll become stronger - even if the Preview for Episode 9 says no! ._.
Well, there are a few more characters, but I'm not that interested on them. The two female teachers are really cool, but that's all lol
There are three other girls which are on "friendly terms" with Manami but they're always sticking together and no one from these are outstanding, mainly because they're not the main focus here lol
I like the boys in the class xD They're surprisingly nice ... more often than not! XD
Everyone, by all means; Please watch it!
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