Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope it'll be a great year for you all, me, and

Morning Musume '15

And it already began!
The first TV appearance of '15! \(^O^)/
Have you all seen CDTV?

Akanechin was super cute with her twintails!

Moreover ...

Akanechin shoulder to shoulder with her beloved Senpai Haruka and Morning Musume's Ace Riho!!

I'm so happy! ;_;

Do your best from now on too!
I'll always cheer Akanechin on!
As well as Maachan!
My cute little babies! ♥

And I'll try to work on my New Year's resolution and goals!
I want to do a lot of sports activities, and work hard in every day life, and I also want to try to post a lot more again. I'm in this mood right now actually lol

Do you've New Year's resolution and goals aswell?


Please also visit my
Thank you!

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